EXA Founder

Jean Lee

Hi! I'm Jean, the Founder of Exaltitude. Growing and nurturing future leaders of Silicon Valley has been my passion.

I've been a Software Engineer and a Manager for 15 years. Most recently, I was the 19th engineer at WhatsApp and worked with Facebook for six years after the acquisition. I have built stellar products, engineering teams, and diverse communities as a Software Engineering Manager and a leader.

The founding journey

A note from Jean

We live in a time of seemingly infinite choices. There is no one “correct” career route to follow.

I started mentoring about eight years ago. I’ve mentored and coached many Software Engineers and Managers from diverse backgrounds. Over time, I started seeing some patterns. Many people are searching for clarity — How do I get to the next level?

Modern ideas of a job

The idea of a career or a job is a relatively modern concept. If you were born into a farming family, that’s what you did. If you were a woman, you would help your husband. You didn’t have to make decisions about your career. In a way, life was more straightforward because your options were limited, and your path was chosen for you. Not that that was a better way of life, but at least you wouldn’t be overwhelmed with decisions. 

With the concept of “work” and the development of industries, some professions have been around longer and, therefore, have more stable routes. For instance, if you are a CPA, you go to school for accounting, take the CPA exam, get a job at a firm, and file taxes. Not that being a CPA is easy, but the path is pretty straightforward. 

Tech is a relatively newer industry, and it’s constantly changing — it will probably continue to change in our lifetime.

Though some people in tech have more of the CPA style careers — they study Computer Science at an Ivy League school, get a job at a FAANG company, and work the ladder. But there are a lot of people who are not following that path. 

Maybe you go through a career change or explore different industries or roles. Maybe the path is less clear, and there are fewer rules. You have the freedom to design your own career. 
Sometimes it can be lonely or overwhelming, but it can also be exhilarating. You can chart your path and make your own way. 

For ambitious engineers who want to get rewarded for doing what they love

You’re technically strong and feel comfortable building and shipping products.You wish there were more mentorship and career development opportunities. You want to connect with other engineers, but you’re not sure where to start. What are the things you need to get to the next level? Do you want to explore becoming a people manager, a tech lead, or wonder what other options are out there?

If you don’t know where you want to go, but just run fast, you can end up nowhere fast.

The guide I wish I had

I wasn't always a natural leader. Being the 19th engineer at WhatsApp, I was the second female engineer and the first female engineering manager. I've gone through trial and error in trying to break through and advance my career.

The EXA curriculum is something I wish I had learned earlier in my career. Sometimes I have nightmares where I'm back in my first tech job, feeling like a fraud and unsure how to navigate the tough relationship challenges at work. When my manager shut me down completely or had to deal with difficult colleagues for the first time, I was affected for years. But through those experiences, I've learned how to come out on top and become.

Through the lessons from Exaltitude, I wish you would have fewer nightmares and errors and more success in your career.

It’s time to make a change

Join us to gain clarity about yourself and your career goals, so you can be rewarded for doing what you love.

I’m so excited you’re here and for the incredible community, we’ll create together.


Jean Lee signature

Jean Lee
Founder of Exaltitude


P.S. If you want to learn more about me, stay in touch!


Testimonials that Speak for Themselves

Lauren Albert

"The learning and support from Exaltitude helped me feel more ready to take on new challenges with confidence!"

Lauren Albert, Software Developer @ Shopify

Ocean profile photo

"EXA is a combination of Stack Overflow (peer to peer answers), Senior Engineer's help (experienced mentorship), well written docs (tangible tools and example to try out) to help us write less bugs in this new language, known as our career."

Ocean Zhang, Software Engineer @Amazon

Kalisa profile photo

"I realized that my achievements might be empirically valuable, but if I can't demonstrate their value they won't help me move forward."

Kalisa Falzone,Senior Software Engineer @Dray Alliance

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about us

Our values


We are here to grow and expand. I stay curious and interested in new ideas and other people’s thoughts and experiences.


I’m responsible for my actions and words. You’re responsible for your actions and words.


I am a chosen member of our community. As such, I deserve respect from everyone. That also means each and every other fellow deserves the same level of respect.


We are a diverse community. I am here to meet new people and get to know them. It’s an opportunity to get a much wider perspective, experiences, and opportunities.

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